Running a Storefront in NYC & Reimagining "Made in China" feat. Ruoyi Jian, Founder of Chop Suey Club

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Today’s guest is Ruoyi Jiang, founder of Chop Suey Club, a concept store in NYC's Lower East Side that is simultaneously redefining what “Made in China" looks like and partnering with local Chinatown businesses to ensure their cultural currency for generations to come. Once upon a time, Ruoyi was a middle schooler living in China, who decided to drop out of school to pursue a professional golf career. Today, she is the founder of a frontrunner in the NYC boutique scene and beyond. Along the way, she snagged a B.F.A in Photography & Imaging from NYU and a trip to the Met Gala (you know, that annual event who's guest list is overseen by Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue). 

We chat with Ruoyi about the business dynamics of Chinatown, untangling appropriation and appreciation, and navigating life’s yin & yang, all while growing the business of a brick-and-mortar in the midst of a pandemic.


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