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Today’s chat is with Anya Sinha, architecture aficionado, bonafide nomad, and second generation Indian American. She calls both the rolling hills of California and the vibrant sectors of New Delhi her homes, and her early exposure to a vast landscape of urban design led her to a career in architecture. She received her Masters at UPenn and has spent time with both the firms behind the Tokyo Olympic Stadium and the Airbnb HQ office (yes, the one that replicates Airbnb’s most whimsical listings across the globe and jigsaws them together into an office space).

In this episode, we dive into the confluence of culture and design, career mentorship hacks, finding balance between assertiveness and agreeability, and last but not least, body hair. Enjoy!

Architecture, Advocacy, & Assertiveness feat. Anya Sinha




Big Tech / Stand Up Comedy